We can help you take control of your online presence
We can remove & supress negative and defamatory content.

Why ORM?
If your personal or business online reputation is inadequate or has it been damaged by adverse information then the effects can be everlasting, devastating and costly.
Tailored ORM Solutions
We will create a bespoke strategy personalised to your case, no two clients are the same so we plan accordingly.
- We avoid using any automated software when it comes to fixing your reputation.
- All our solutions are for the long-term whilst also taking effect swiftly.

How safe is your name? We can build you an online presence that prevents negative content creeping up on you.
Secure Your Reputation
Don’t let negative online content spoil your relationship or that next job interview.
We restore, repair and enhance tarnished Business reputations online. Building you a new reputation.
Negative Content Suppression (NCS)
A life can be destroyed or a business can be closed by serious online defamation – online reputations are as important as your credit rating so don’t let others damage yours.
As the internet is un-policed and faceless some individuals use it to bully or target either companies and/ or individuals. Sadly the authorities are often powerless to act and the Courts are often not a feasible course of action so the victim is left to suffer at the hands of this anonymous perpetrator.
To combat this modern day crime we have come up with techniques and processes that will with time allow us to gain control over the early search terms, in time pushing the adverse information where it is unlikely to be found, ie: off page one of Google. Often, once the perpetrator sees their online attack is losing its authority/ importance they start to lose interest and move on. Our ongoing enrichment, publication process of chosen content, relating to a specific search term, will soon give control over the early search engine pages where we can ensure only good information is displayed about our client. We also offer a monitoring service where we frequently monitor online activity. This process will quickly flag-up any future attacks in turn permitting us to quickly deal with the offending content before it gains any authority and causes our client harm.
In addition, as part of the service, as a matter of course we will send a take down notice request to all the relevant bodies (search engines, hosts etc) requesting that they remove this harmful information and delete it from theirs servers. Unfortunately, these requests are not always acted upon so success rates are minimal and it will certainly not stop it happening again.
We can remove negative, harmful & malicious information about you from the internet
How Can TwistFox Help Me?
Depending on the severity of the case we can liaise with Google to remove specific URLs out of the search engine result pages, we can also organically improve your online presence through the use of social media, SEO & digital marketing. In some cases we may have to create you a brand new website, you will also receive our monthly brand monitoring.
When we receive your order, we immediately begin a full profile analysis and business plan to repair your profile online. This report will highlight the areas that need attention and allow us to build a business plan for you to manage & repair your reputation; which we will present to you as a proposal. The proposal will typically be sent to you within 48 hours of placing your order (but can be up to 72 hours at busy times, weekends or if you have a very complicated case).
The Facts About Online Defamation
What Is Defamation? Defamation is the publication or broadcast of any libellous or slanderous information that can be proven to be false, about an individual or business, published with the intent to harm a reputation. In 1996 The Defamation Act was passed here in UK law making it crime to publish statements on the Internet including blogs, forums, websites, and social media alike.
Online Defamation Due to the digitally advanced age we now live in a new crime has been born. This often faceless crime can affect anybody, at any time and any where in the world often leaving Authorities powerless to act and the victim feeling alone, helpless, harassed and vulnerable. Sadly the internet seems to negatively empower some users giving them the belief that they can write anything about anybody whether it’s fact or fiction! In light of the increase in potential libellous online cases legal systems around the world have extended laws and regulations to include comments made on the internet but where the perpetrator cannot be truly identified or if the information is deemed negative but lawful then they are powerless. Also, this course of action is not available to most as the result is not guaranteed and the cost can run into the tens of thousands of pounds. Defamation and libel has been around generations however the issue has ballooned by the misuse of Internet – often dressed up as merely the freedom of speech. Before comments printed in a newspaper or broadcast on television or by radio where soon forgotten however those made online can remain for decades to come having a real long term affect. Often non-factual information that was posted in the heat of the moment, maybe out of spite or revenge can haunt the victim for many years to come, in some case damaging a business, personal relationships and lives in general – never underestimate the damage a poor online reputation can have the affect is often immeasurable!
The Answer As pursuing online defamation through the courts is not a real option here at TwistFox we have formulated a real solution to fix this problem giving both prevention and cure. In totally organic ways, favoured by search engines, we create and post online positive and neutral optimised articles which will soon appear under the affected search term whilst gaining control of the early and affected page(s) found online. On your behalf we may also initiate online repair strategies through the use of social networking websites, blogs, forums, and other types of online publication that we can use to our advantage. This saturation of the desired search term with our controlled, authoritative content we will push the unwanted information from the front page(s) of a search engine(s) making it hard to find and in turn less harmful. This proven method can certainly help rebuild an online reputation and with our ongoing services we can also actively fend off any future online attacks giving you peace of mind and robust online protection.
Can unwanted online information be permanently deleted? Yes but only sometimes – we will contact the relevant Search Engine(s,) Registrar and Web Host in an attempt to have the negative content removed at source. A detailed report about the negative content, which also highlights the harm it is causing, can sometimes lead to their assistance and ultimately its deletion. In view of the recent EU ruling the likes of Google are having to consider removal requests for irrelevant, outdated or inappropriate online content, under the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ policy, so on occasion they will assist and remove the specified content from their servers. Unfortunately, this process can be very drawn out and is not massively successful as we cannot guarantee the bodies we reach out to will be sympathetic to our requests. Furthermore, it will not offer any protection against future online attacks so whilst the request(s) are being considered it is essential we gain control of the desired search term(s) and start to positively shape the way your are seen.